Lisa shares some communication suggestions for individuals with hearing loss


Before my aneurysm and the ensuing stroke, I was a linguist working as an occupational therapist, and volunteering with people who stutter. Communication was important to me, not only as a science, but also as an essential skill in my life. Then, March 20, 2020, hit. Hard.

Now I’m officially a new member of The Chat Society! How I got here can be addressed in another blog (or two!), but I don’t want to miss giving a nod to May as Better Speech and Hearing month and June as National Aphasia Awareness month. As someone affected with stroke-induced aphasia and some hearing issues, I say “Hats off!” to speech language and audiology health professionals.
Communication remains ever important; however, I’ve learned about the importance of approaching communication from different ways than what I used before. The suggestions for communicating when speaking to someone with hearing loss are not hard to remember…they are basically the same as when speaking to someone with aphasia!
My audiologist (Natalie Roy) provided me with this list. Does anything look familiar? (For full explanations of points, see here.)
Communication Suggestions When Speaking to Someone with Hearing Loss
  • Get the listener’s attention first before you speak.
  • Speak clearly and decrease your speech to a slow-normal rate to allow the listener to “catch up.”
  • Do not shout.
  • Do obstruct your face. [Editor’s note: Face masks make life interesting, no?]
  • Rephrase rather than offer a repetition.
  • Avoid conversation if the television or radio is playing, the dishwasher is running, and so on.
  • Alert the person with the hearing loss if the topic of conversation is changing.
  • Talk to hard-of-hearing people, not about them.
  • Remain patient, positive, and relaxed.
Communication Suggestions for Those with Hearing Loss
  • Minimize noise distractions.
  • Strive for a clear view of the speaker’s face.
  • Do not say, “Huh?” or “What?”
  • Limit interruptions.
  • Provide feedback.
  • Plan ahead.
  • Set realistic goals.
  • Write out important information.
  • Do not bluff!
Communication obstacles are obviously similar for people with hearing loss and speech conditions, aphasia being one such condition. It is, however, important to learn these points, exercise what you can, and share with others! Remember, even when we don’t agree with someone else’s point of view, they are entitled to it–and that makes it important!
Our speech and our hearing are two gifts that we can appreciate; we must respect people who must, or choose to, speak or listen in ways different from our own.
Check out the literature from the Audiology Clinic of Northern Alberta: suggestions, guidelines for speaking clearly, and ideas to use when dining out. (Courtesy of Natalie Roy, Audiology Clinic of Northern Alberta.)