This June, Debbie shares her experience with aphasia.

It’s Aphasia Awareness Month!

Dear Editor,

I had a stroke in 2012 and I have aphasia. What is aphasia? Aphasia is an acquired language disorder that can occur after a stroke or brain injury but it doesn’t impair intelligence. I have improved over the years, but I still struggle at times to communicate with speech, reading, writing and numbers. I have all the words and ideas in my hea but I can’t get them out. It is like my brain and my mouth are on two different pathways! It is challenging to talk!

June is APHASIA AWARENESS Month. It is very common, yet most people have never heard of it. I had not heard about aphasia before my stroke. Being part of a community of people who understand aphasia encourages me to be courageous and keep spreading awareness.

Proud to be an aphasia survivor!

Debbie Hrudey

You can also read Debbie’s letter to the editor in the May edition of the Vegrevile News, here: